Editorial Process for SoftReviewed

  1. Software Identification:
    The first step in our editorial process is to find software that’s relevant to our audience, interesting, or new. Our team, led by Jovin George, often tries out various applications and platforms and decides which one to review next based on its utility, uniqueness, and overall performance.
  2. Personal Use and Trial:
    Soft Reviewed personally uses the software in question for a stipulated period. This hands-on experience provides him with an insider’s view and a comprehensive understanding of the features, capabilities, and shortcomings of the software, which is critical in writing an unbiased review.
  3. In-depth Research:
    After personal use, we conduct a thorough investigation of the software. This research ranges from scrutinizing the software’s build and documentation to evaluating user reviews and opinions available online. We may often reach out to the developers behind the software for any queries.
  4. Writing the Review:
    After the hands-on experience and research, we pen down an insightful review. Our reviews are structured to begin with an introduction to the software, followed by a detailed analysis of its features. We also highlight its pros and cons to provide a balanced perspective to our readers.
  5. Editing and Review:
    After the initial draft, our editorial team meticulously goes through the content for grammar, style, and coherence. They also ensure that all the facts presented in the review are accurate.
  6. Creation of Supporting Video Content:
    Concurrently, we work on creating a video review for our YouTube channel. The video includes a demonstration of the software and Soft Reviewed’s personal experience with it.
  7. Peer Review:
    While the video is in the editing phase, the drafted review is subjected to a peer review from a field perspective. This helps in identifying any missed angles or nuances before the final draft is approved.
  8. Final Approval and Publishing:
    Once the written review and the video content is approved and finalized, both are scheduled for publishing on their respective platforms – the website along with our YouTube channel.
  9. Promotion and Engagement:
    After publication, we promote our reviews across multiple social channels to garner engagement and feedback. We believe in continuous learning, so we welcome comments and reviews from our readers and viewers.
  10. Updating Review:
    Technology is a continually evolving sphere. Hence, we periodically revisit our reviews to update them as per the latest developments with the software or in response to user feedback.

Our aim is to provide accurate, in-depth, and unbiased software reviews to help our audience make informed decisions. Thank you for trusting SoftReviewed as your go-to resource for software reviews.

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